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                                                  STROKES ARE VERY CHALLENGING 
In late September, Willie, our housemate of forty years, now age ninety-one, had a fairly severe stroke that left her right side--face, hand, leg--badly impaired.  After she had a brief hospital stay and two weeks of intense therapy at a rehab facillity, we decided that her continued recovery would be best served by bringing her home.  It was, we believe, the best course of action, even though the first couple of weeks here at home left Dorothy and me exhausted because Willie needed contant help day and night with nearly everything.  Three months later, the situation has stabilized somewhat and Willie is capable of some self-care.  With the help of sessions with Visiting Nurses twice a week and coaching from us, she has regained  the ability to use her right hand to write, can move around adeptly in a wheelchair at night and a walker during the day.  She's beginning to learn how to walk with a cane.  We've been able to take some outings to see her MD and to get a Covid shot (Covid is running rampant in Western Massachusetts since the holidays) at her pharmacy.  She loves playing balloon tennis (batting an inflated balloon back and forth with a racquet, a good balance exercise). She has a long way to go, and it's not at all certain how much she will have recovered by six months post-stroke.  Our lives have been largely Willie centered for months now and probably will remain at least somewhat so for the foreseeable future.  Wish us luck.  We welcome your prayers.

Sheltering in Place.4: Groundhog Months!

A Quest for Peace and Wisdom

What started as groundhog days has become groundhog months. Still sheltering in place (since March) we have to ask each other "what day of the week is it?" They're all similar. But October brought many chores to do to get ready for cold weather. Time to take down the ACs and put up the storm windows; harvest the last tomato and a few remaining green beans; get the septic tank pumped, and have our carpenter do a few last-minute exterior repairs. Everything else is more of the same-old, same-old: read books (Gerry just finished his 100th book for the Goodreads 2020 Reading Challenge) and sleep, eat, take our pills, and sleep again. At least it's been possible to sit on the front porch to eat, read, and talk, although today the temperature (in the 50s) made that less attractive. We still haven't managed to catch our long-haired feral cat, who badly needs a trim, so I guess you could say we still have unfinished business. Within our small sphere (a two-acre lot on a country road) things are good, but anxieties creep into our fortress of calm from the world at large as we follow the news about COVID-19 (on the upswing again, though fortunately not in our rural county), developments in the presidential election that suggest November 3rd will likely produce grave civic disruptions, and wildfires in our beloved California. We meditate daily, praying for the health and happiness of all beings.

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